Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

Before onboarding begins, it's crucial to track potential candidates through your applicant pipeline.

HealthPass has developed an easy-to-use Applicant Tracking System that utilises our conditional logic methodology.

This system helps your internal staff in writing job descriptions, creating positions, managing applications across multiple sites and sectors, tracking interviews, recording outcomes, generating contracts, scheduling meetings, and more—all before progressing into the comprehensive onboarding process with our full HealthPass system.

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  • Multi-site/industry/level Capability: Enable your entire organisation to operate within a unified portal.
  • Conditional Logic Formatting: Utilise previously provided information efficiently, reducing overall task duration.
  • Group Meeting Creation: Instantly generate monthly hiring meeting plans using data stored in HealthPass ATS.
  • Contract Management: Seamlessly manage and create contracts using HealthySignature.
  • End-to-End Application Tracking: Track applications from submission through to contract management and complete worker onboarding and compliance in a single system.


  • Enhanced Hiring Metrics: Improve hiring outcomes by minimising fallout caused by delays from complex and complicated manual processes.
  • Increased Efficiency and Cost Reduction: Speed up the hiring and onboarding processes, enabling internal staff to operate more efficiently and cost-effectively.
  • Reduce Wasted Time: Streamline operations by minimising manual handling and duplication of information throughout the hiring process.
  • Integrated Onboarding: Seamlessly transition potential hires into your workforce and manage the entire onboarding process within HealthPass.
  • Instant Data Integration: Enjoy seamless integration of data collected in HealthPass with your internal systems through API connectivity.

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